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Religious Education


Our Religious Education Program provides Catholic Faith Formation to children of Catholic parents attending secular schools. These classes not only educate children about Jesus and the Catholic faith but prepare children to receive the sacraments of Penance, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. The classes also include Child Lures Prevention (keeping children safe) and how your child can manage bullying! If you are interested in signing up for Religious Education, please fill out the application (on this site) and have it turned into the rectory attention to the Director of Religious Education, Rosemarie Walsh at EXT. 104—Time is of essence so please call by Oct. 14th 2018 to enroll your child.  Books are being ordered!


Click Here For the 2019/2020 Class Schedule

Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 11 a.m. Mass each Sunday from mid-September to the beginning of June. It is an opportunity for elementary age children (Kdgn. to Grade 6) to hear the readings and homily geared for their understanding. Children sit with their family and after the Opening Prayer they are invited to leave the church with the adult leader and assistant to go to the gym meeting room for their own Liturgy of the Word. They return to their family after the Prayers of Intercession.New leaders and assistants who wish to share God's word with his children can be trained to serve in this parish ministry. If you are interested leave your name and number for the coordinator of C.L.O.W., Helen Langone at the rectory.


​Queen of the Rosary Catholic Academy 

Grades: Pre-K through 8



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